2014년 7월 25일 금요일

[영어대체] Vocabulary #7

7-1. For those of us who live in the Northeast the summer may be short-lived, but it expires in a blaze of glory, and the trees all put on fancy dress for its
> A - ball.
> B - hues.
> C - passing.
> D - return.

7-2. The price of goods paid for by installments is higher than that of cash purchases because the installment-plan price includes interest paid by the purchaser, who actually has obtained a
> A - loan.
> B - discount.
> C - purchase.
> D - bargain.

7-3. More than half of the telephones in the world are in the United States. Americans must really
> A - talk too much.
> B - keep in touch.
> C - not need them.
> D - get a busy signal.

7-4. After six weeks of intensive training it was decided not to risk further casualties in additional practice jumps, because such highly trained and specialized troops were
> A - not likely to be needed.
> B - very hard to replace.
> C - climatic conditions.
> D - forms of life.

7-5. The deep sea is very cold. Its temperature is uniform throughout the year, regardless of geographic location. Different regions of the deep sea do not differ in their
> A - proximity to land.
> B - geographic location.
> C - climatic conditions.
> D - forms of life.

7-6. Different green plants have various ways of storing the surplus food that they make. Some store it in their roots, others store it in their stems or seeds or in their leaves or fruits. Whenever we eat a potato we are, in effect,
> A - strengthening the plant.
> B - killing the plant.
> C - making room for more.
> D - robbing a plant storehouse.

7-7. To her business associates Jane was a model of even-tempered efficiency, but her long-suffering family, without denying her professional virtues, might tell you a different story about her
> A - courage.
> B- disposition.
> C - reputation.
> D - importance.

7-8. Out in the forest one finds fungi, mosses, and ferns living on the decaying materials of dead trees. Thus, in nature, one finds life coexisting with
> A - beauty.
> B - death.
> C - trees.
> D - fungi.

7-9. Antelope rarely live very long in captivity. The fawns can be tamed if caught young, though they are very delicate and difficult to
> A - domesticate.
> B - keep penned.
> C - raise to maturity.
> D - kill.

7-10. The chief aim of university instruction is to make the student a better member of society. The emphasis should be on
> A - specific knowledge.
> B - inspiration of genius.
> C - scientific research.
> D - fitness for the world.

댓글 2개:

  1. 안녕하세요 지금도 홈페이지가 운영중인지 모르겠네요 혹시 대체영어 시험은 어떻게 나오는지 여쭤볼 수 있을까요?

  2. 안녕하세요 지금도 홈페이지가 운영중인지 모르겠네요 혹시 대체영어 시험은 어떻게 나오는지 여쭤볼 수 있을까요?
